627 research outputs found

    Molecular line probes of activity in galaxies

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    The use of specific tracers of the dense molecular gas phase can help to explore the feedback of activity on the interstellar medium (ISM) in galaxies. This information is a key to any quantitative assessment of the efficiency of the star formation process in galaxies. We present the results of a survey devoted to probe the feedback of activity through the study of the excitation and chemistry of the dense molecular gas in a sample of local universe starbursts and active galactic nuclei (AGNs). Our sample includes also 17 luminous and ultraluminous infrared galaxies (LIRGs and ULIRGs). From the analysis of the LIRGs/ULIRGs subsample, published in Gracia-Carpio et al.(2007) we find the first clear observational evidence that the star formation efficiency of the dense gas, measured by the L_FIR/L_HCN ratio, is significantly higher in LIRGs and ULIRGs than in normal galaxies. Mounting evidence of overabundant HCN in active environments would even reinforce the reported trend, pointing to a significant turn upward in the Kennicutt-Schmidt law around L_FIR=10^11 L_sun. This result has major implications for the use of HCN as a tracer of the dense gas in local and high-redshift luminous infrared galaxies.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, contributed paper to Far-Infrared Workshop 07 (FIR 2007

    Dark matter within high surface brightness spiral galaxies

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    We present results from a detailed dynamical analysis of five high surface brightness, late type spirals, studied with the aim to quantify the luminous-to-dark matter ratio inside their optical radii. The galaxies' stellar light distribution and gas kinematics have been observed and compared to hydrodynamic gas simulations, which predict the 2D gas dynamics arising in response to empirical gravitational potentials, which are combinations of differing stellar disk and dark halo contributions. The gravitational potential of the stellar disk was derived from near-infrared photometry, color-corrected to constant (M/L); the dark halo was modelled by an isothermal sphere with a core. Hydrodynamic gas simulations were performed for each galaxy for a sequence of five different mass fractions of the stellar disk and for a wide range of spiral pattern speeds. These two parameters mainly determine the modelled gas distribution and kinematics. The agreement between the non-axisymmetric part of the simulated and observed gas kinematics permitted us to conclude that the galaxies with the highest rotation velocities tend to possess near-maximal stellar disks. In less massive galaxies, with v_max<200 km/s, the mass of the dark halo at least equals the stellar mass within 2-3 R_disk. The simulated gas morphology provides a powerful tool to determine the dominant spiral pattern speed. The corotation radius for all galaxies was found to be constant at R_corotation ~ 3 R_disk and encloses the strong part of the stellar spiral in all cases.Comment: 28 pages, 7 figures; to appear in the Astrophysical Journal, Vol. 586, March 200

    Widespread HCO emission in the M82's nuclear starburst

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    We present a high-resolution (~ 5'') image of the nucleus of M82 showing the presence of widespread emission of the formyl radical (HCO). The HCO map, the first obtained in an external galaxy, reveals the existence of a structured disk of ~ 650 pc full diameter. The HCO distribution in the plane mimics the ring morphology displayed by other molecular/ionized gas tracers in M82. More precisely, rings traced by HCO, CO and HII regions are nested, with the HCO ring lying in the outer edge of the molecular torus. Observations of HCO in galactic clouds indicate that the abundance of HCO is strongly enhanced in the interfaces between the ionized and molecular gas. The surprisingly high overall abundance of HCO measured in M82 (X(HCO) ~ 4x10^{-10}) indicates that its nuclear disk can be viewed as a giant Photon Dominated Region (PDR) of ~ 650 pc size. The existence of various nested gas rings, with the highest HCO abundance occurring at the outer ring (X(HCO) ~ 0.8x10^{-9}), suggests that PDR chemistry is propagating in the disk. We discuss the inferred large abundances of HCO in M82 in the context of a starburst evolutionary scenario, picturing the M82 nucleus as an evolved starburst.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, to appear in ApJ Letters; corrected list of author

    A New High Resolution CO Map of the inner 2.'5 of M51 I. Streaming Motions and Spiral Structure

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    [Abridged] The Owens Valley mm-Array has been used to map the CO 1--0 emission in the inner 2'.5 of the grand design spiral galaxy M51 at 2''-3'' resolution. The molecular spiral arms are revealed with unprecedented clarity: supermassive cloud complexes, Giant Molecular Associations, are for the first time resolved both along and perpendicular to the arms. Major complexes occur symmetrically opposite each other in the two major arms. Streaming motions can be studied in detail along the major and minor axes of M51. The streaming velocities are very large, 60-150 km/s. For the first time, sufficient resolution to resolve the structure in the molecular streaming motions is obtained. Our data support the presence of galactic shocks in the arms of M51. In general, velocity gradients across arms are higher by a factor of 2-10 than previously found. They vary in steepness along the spiral arms, becoming particularly steep in between GMAs. The steep gradients cause conditions of strong reverse shear in several regions in the arms, and thus the notion that shear is generally reduced by streaming motions in spiral arms will have to be modified. Of the three GMAs studied on the SW arm, only one shows reduced shear. We find an expansion in the NE molecular arm at 25'' radius SE of the center. This broadening occurs right after the end of the NE arm at the Inner Lindblad Resonance. Bifurcations in the molecular spiral arm structure, at a radius of 73'', may be evidence of a secondary compression of the gas caused by the 4/1 ultraharmonic resonance. Inside the radius of the ILR, we detect narrow (~ 5'') molecular spiral arms possibly related to the K-band arms found in the same region. We find evidence of non-circular motions in the inner 20'' which are consistent with gas on elliptical orbits in a bar.Comment: 29 pages, 15 figures, uses latex macros for ApJ; accepted for publication in Ap

    Exploring the molecular chemistry and excitation in obscured luminous infrared galaxies: An ALMA mm-wave spectral scan of NGC 4418

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    We obtained an ALMA Cycle 0 spectral scan of the dusty LIRG NGC 4418, spanning a total of 70.7 GHz in bands 3, 6, and 7. We use a combined local thermal equilibrium (LTE) and non-LTE (NLTE) fit of the spectrum in order to identify the molecular species and derive column densities and excitation temperatures. We derive molecular abundances and compare them with other Galactic and extragalactic sources by means of a principal component analysis. We detect 317 emission lines from a total of 45 molecular species, including 15 isotopic substitutions and six vibrationally excited variants. Our LTE/NLTE fit find kinetic temperatures from 20 to 350 K, and densities between 105^5 and 107^7 cm−3^{-3}. The spectrum is dominated by vibrationally excited HC3_3N, HCN, and HNC, with vibrational temperatures from 300 to 450 K. We find high abundances of HC3_3N, SiO, H2_2S, and c-HCCCH and a low CH3_3OH abundance. A principal component analysis shows that NGC 4418 and Arp 220 share very similar molecular abundances and excitation, which clearly set them apart from other Galactic and extragalactic environments. The similar molecular abundances observed towards NCG 4418 and Arp 220 are consistent with a hot gas-phase chemistry, with the relative abundances of SiO and CH3_3OH being regulated by shocks and X-ray driven dissociation. The bright emission from vibrationally excited species confirms the presence of a compact IR source, with an effective diameter 350 K. The molecular abundances and the vibrationally excited spectrum are consistent with a young AGN/starburst system. We suggest that NGC 4418 may be a template for a new kind of chemistry and excitation, typical of compact obscured nuclei (CON). Because of the narrow line widths and bright molecular emission, NGC 4418 is the ideal target for further studies of the chemistry in CONs.Comment: accepted by A&A on 29/06/201

    The cold gaseous halo of NGC 891

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    We present HI observations of the edge-on galaxy NGC 891. These are among the deepest ever performed on an external galaxy. They reveal a huge gaseous halo, much more extended than seen previously and containing almost 30 % of the HI. This HI halo shows structures on various scales. On one side, there is a filament extending (in projection) up to 22 kpc vertically from the disk. Small (M_HI ~ 10^6 Msol) halo clouds, some with forbidden (apparently counter-rotating) velocities, are also detected. The overall kinematics of the halo gas is characterized by differential rotation lagging with respect to that of the disk. The lag, more pronounced at small radii, increases with height from the plane. There is evidence that a significant fraction of the halo is due to a galactic fountain. Accretion from intergalactic space may also play a role in building up the halo and providing low angular momentum material needed to account for the observed rotation lag. The long HI filament and the counter-rotating clouds may be direct evidence of such accretion.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journal. High-resolution version available at http://www.astron.nl/~oosterlo/n891Pape

    Molecular gas in NUclei of GAlaxies (NUGA) XV. Molecular gas kinematics in the inner 3kpc of NGC6951

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    Within the NUclei of GAlaxies project we have obtained IRAM PdBI and 30m 12CO(1-0) and 12CO(2-1) observations of the spiral galaxy NGC 6951. Previous work shows that there is indirect evidence of gas inflow from 3 kpc down to small radii: a large-scale stellar bar, a prominent starburst ring (r~580 pc) and a LINER/Seyfert 2 nucleus. In this paper we study the gas kinematics as traced by the CO line emission in detail. We quantify the influence of the large-scale stellar bar by constructing an analytical model of the evolution of gas particles in a barred potential. From this model gravitational torques and mass accumulation rates are computed. We compare our model-based gravitational torque results with previous observationally-based ones. The model also shows that the large-scale stellar bar is indeed the dominant force for driving the gas inward, to the starburst ring. Inside the ring itself a nuclear stellar oval might play an important role. Detailed analysis of the CO gas kinematics there shows that emission arises from two co-spatial, but kinematically distinct components at several locations. The main emission component can always be related to the overall bar-driven gas kinematics. The second component exhibits velocities that are larger than expected for gas on stable orbits, has a molecular gas mass of 1.8x10^6Msun, is very likely connected to the nuclear stellar oval, and is consistent with inflowing motion towards the very center. This may form the last link in the chain of gas inflow towards the active galactic nucleus in NGC 6951.Comment: 17 pages, accepted by A&A (17 feb 2011

    Atomic Carbon in Galaxies

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    We present new measurements of the ground state fine-structure line of atomic carbon at 492 GHz in a variety of nearby external galaxies, ranging from spiral to irregular, interacting and merging types. In comparison with CO(1-0), the CI(1-0) intensity stays fairly comparable in the different environments, with an average value of the ratio of the line integrated areas in Kkm/s of CI(1-0)/CO(1-0) = 0.2 +/- 0.2. However, some variations can be found within galaxies, or between galaxies. Relative to CO lines, CI(1-0) is weaker in galactic nuclei, but stronger in disks, particularly outside star forming regions. Also, in NGC 891, the CI(1-0) emission follows the dust continuum at 1.3mm extremely well along the full length of the major axis where molecular gas is more abundant than atomic gas. Atomic carbon therefore appears to be a good tracer of molecular gas in external galaxies, possibly more reliable than CO. Atomic carbon can contribute significantly to the thermal budget of interstellar gas. Cooling due to C and CO amounts typically to 2 x 10^{-5} of the FIR continuum or 5% of the CII line. However, C and CO cooling reaches 30% of the gas total, in Ultra Luminous InfraRed Galaxies, where CII is abnormally faint. Together with CII/FIR, the emissivity ratio CI(1-0)/FIR can be used as a measure of the non-ionizing UV radiation field in galaxies.Comment: 26 pages, 8 figure
